


the learning station herman the worm lyrics

Lyrics to the song Herman The Worm The Learning Station. When along came Herman the worm And he was this big (make a motion as if measuring a bigger worm) And I said: "Herman? What happened?" "I swallowed a cat" I was sittin' on my fencepost, chewing my bubblegum (chew, chew, chew, chew) Playin' with my yo-yo, wee-oo! wee-oo! When along came Herman the worm

Lyrics to the song Herman The Worm The Learning Station
Lyrics to the song Herman The Worm The Learning Station from i.pinimg.com

“Herman the Worm ” is from the award-winning CD, “Action! Fun! Dance!” Action! Fun! Dance! is available online in two formats CD and Full CD Download. All Learning Station.